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An extension for and that brings AI to life for your Twitch stream.

Easy to Use

PNGTuber-GPT is built to make it easy for you to bring an AI character to life that can interact with your Twitch chat, and learn from your channel. It acts as you command it to, and can learn things from your viewers. All powered by ChatGPT. and

This solution's core is a C# extension for and utilizes for it's Text-to-Speech functionality. We are proud to be part of a rich ecosystem of extensions that you can use on your channel. No other software is required.

Proudly Open Source

PNGTuber-GPT is distributed under a MIT license. You are free to use it for commercial purposes. You can also join us over on GitHub and make a pull request to improve it. It's focus is to be an entry-level tool to improve the quality of AI chatbots for Twitch.

Bring Your Own Voice

PNGTuber-GPT supports every voice service that supports. You can pick and choose from many leading services such as Google Text-To-Speech, Amazon Polly, EvenLabs, TTS Monster, and many others.

An AI Sidekick for Twitch

Edit your bot's context at any time and teach them your channel's language. Your AI bot will become unique and know your users by nicknames they set. Built to be an inclusive tool the bot connects to the Pronouns API to address your viewers by their preferred pronouns.

Moderation Built-in

Every message the your AI bot processes will pass through automatic moderation filters that you control. It uses natural language detection and sentiment analysis powered by OpenAI to screen for harmful content and keep it from being said on your stream.