Version 1.1 RC3
Fixed issue where pronouns were returning incorrectly due to bad pronoun matching logic Added ability to remove nickname with !removenick Added ability to remove the thing you taught the bot about yourself with !modforget Added the ability to get the memory of what you taught the bot with !get memory Added the ability to clear the log file with !modclearlogfile Added the ability to clear the chat log with !modclearchatlog Added the ability to clear the prompt log with !modclearpromptlog Added !modreinitialize command, which restarts the PNGTuber-GPT module and reloads global settings. Added the ability to retrieve all commands with !help Added functionality to the !version command so this can be customized to show whatever you like; for instance, version 202311. Just for an example. Fixed a bug where usernames would get mixed up due to race conditions during redeems Added better error handling for many edge cases. Created an all new logging engine that logs to a separate log file under 'Database Path'\logs. Created a logging level global settings under the Settings Action under Actions. This can be set to INFO, WARN, ERROR, and DEBUG. In DEBUG absolutely everything is logged, while in ERROR only errors are logged, with WARN, only warning and errors, and with INFO, everything that isn't debug. INFO is the default run mode for release. DEBUG is the default log mode for pre-release builds. Expanded the code base from 500 lines of code to 2,135 an increase of 327% in a week. The code is now much better commented, summarized, and human-readable.